September 20, 2024

Ahead of CNN's jaw-dropping story on Trump-endorsed N.C. gubernatorial candidate, Mark Robinson, he firmly denied the allegations, saying, "You know my character." Yes, Mark, we do.

We know all about Robinson, who thinks the LGBTQ community is "filth," and yet it's been revealed that he watched trans porn. Robinson is on film at a church saying, "Some people need killing." We know that he wanted no exemptions for abortion, even though he later revealed that he and his wife, who ripped off the Girl Scouts (!!), had an abortion procedure. We know that he failed to file taxes for five years. Additionally, Robinson and his wife, Yolanda Hill, were cited for numerous violations at the childcare center they operated from 2000 to 2007.

We know his flawed character when he claimed last year that Hilter was taken out of context. Earlier this month, Mark denied a report that he frequented 24-hour video-pornography stores, even though at least five witnesses confirmed it.

We know that Robinson suggested that Mrs. Obama is a man. I could do this all day. The man is a fascist chud with no redeeming qualities, so when CNN's KFILE found that he identified himself as a "Black NAZI," and a "perv," it's not that hard to believe. Robinson has also bragged about banging his wife's sister.

Trans porn is "hot":

"I like watching tranny on girl porn!" he wrote on the porn site. "That's f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in! And yeah I'm a 'perv' too!"

He's pro-slavery:

"Slavery is not bad," Mark Robinson wrote. "Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it (slavery) back. I would certainly buy a few."

We know your character, Mark, all too well. Republicans knew, too. They just didn't care. The deadline has passed for Mark to withdraw from the race. Sorry, GOP, but you have to carry your Black Nazi to term. No exceptions! You cannot abort him. Them's the rules!

Donald and Mark, sitting in a tree:

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