September 11, 2024

Kamala Harris demolished Trump after he claimed he didn't lose the election in 2020 and then systematically took apart his love of dictators and explained how Trump can't process actual facts and US military and foreign leaders are laughing at him.

Trump started by lying about the 2020 election.

HOST: I did watch all of these pieces of video. I didn't detect the sarcasm lost by a whisker.

TRUMP: I didn't quite make it.

HOST: And we should just point out here as clarification, and you know this, you and your allies, 60 cases in front of many judges, many of them Republican.

No judge looked at it.

And said there was no widespread fraud.

They said we didn't have standing.

That's the other thing.

They said we didn't have standing, a technicality.

Can you imagine a system where a person in an election doesn't have standing?

The president of the United States doesn't have standing.

That's how we lost.

If you look at the facts, and I'd love to have you do a special on it.

I'll show you Georgia, and I'll show you Wisconsin, and I'll show you Pennsylvania, and I'll show you.

We have so many facts and statistics.

But you know what?

That doesn't matter.

Because we have to solve the problem that we have right now.

That's old news.

And the problem that we have right now is we have a nation in decline.

And they have put it into decline.

We have a nation that is dying, David.

Mr. President, thank you.

VP Harris then put the hammer down.

HOST: Vice President Harris, you heard the president there tonight.

HARRIS: He said he didn't say that, that he lost by a whisker.

So he still believes he did not lose the election that was won by President Biden and yourself.

But I do want to ask you about something that's come up in the last couple of days.

This was a post from President Trump about this upcoming election just weeks away.

He said, when I win, those people who cheated, and then he lists donors, voters, election officials, he says will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which will include long-term prison sentences.

One of your campaign's top lawyers responded, saying, we won't let Donald Trump intimidate us.

We won't let him suppress the vote.

Is that what you believe he's trying to do here?

Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people.

So let's be clear about that.

And clearly he is having a very difficult time processing that.

But we cannot afford to have a president of the United States who attempts, as he did in the past, to upend the will of the voters in a free and fair election.

And I'm going to tell you that I have traveled the world as Vice President of the United States, and world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump.

I have talked with military leaders, some of whom worked with you.

And they say you're a disgrace.

And when you then talk in this way in a presidential debate and deny what over and over again are court cases you have lost because you did, in fact, lose that election, it leads one to believe that perhaps we do not have in the candidate to my right the temperament or the ability to not be confused about fact.

That's deeply troubling.

And the American people deserve better.

Weak and a disgrace fits Trump to a tee.

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