September 11, 2024

Tonight was the first (and maybe only) debate between disgraced former President* Donald Trump and current badass Vice President Kamala Harris. The debate lasted just over 90 minutes and Trump spent his time wisely rambling about immigrants eating cats (lie), Democrats aborting babies after birth (also a lie), him actually winning the 2020 election (a total lie) and litany of other demonstrably false statements.

Harris dominated, baiting him repeatedly (crowd size was one of the best ones and she launched it pretty early in the debate). She was calm, strong, poised and had a positive vision for America. Trump had his usual doom and gloom about world war 3 and our country being a "failing nation."

TWITTER HAD LOTS OF THOUGHTS. Here are some of the best:

And just moments after the debate ended, Taylor Swift entered the chat with her official endorsement. Which was then followed by this:

There are 55 days until the election and a lot can change, but Trump looked like a defeated, crazy, angry old man on that stage. And optics are everything.

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