September 6, 2024

Kamala Harris continues to outraise the Trump campaign by a staggering amount. Via NBC News:

Vice President Kamala Harris' political operation raised more than $300 million in the month of August — more than twice as much as former President Donald Trump's operation gathered in the same period — two sources familiar with the Harris fundraising numbers told NBC News.

The sources did not specify the exact fundraising haul, but the more than $300 million figure, which includes the campaign and related entities, signals that the breakneck pace of fundraising has not slowed since money began gushing in upon President Joe Biden’s July 21 announcement that he would step aside from seeking the Democratic nomination.

The next campaign finance disclosure deadline for Harris' campaign is Sept. 20.

Meanwhile, Trump's totals are a relative trickle compared to her:

The whopping fundraising numbers for Harris come just after the Trump campaign reported it and related entities raised $130 million in the month of August, with nearly $300 million cash on hand. Trump’s campaign reported that 98% of the month’s donations came in at less than $200.

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