September 20, 2024

On September 20, 1973, Billie Jean King bested Bobby Riggs, in what was dubbed The Battle of the Sexes tennis match.

Riggs was misogynist who claimed women were inferior and he could beat any female player any time. Up stepped Billie Jean King to take the challenge.

30,000 people filled the Houston's Astrodome and 50 million people watched it on television.

History: "Howard Cosell called the match, in which King beat Riggs 6-4, 6-3, 6-3. King’s achievement not only helped legitimize women’s professional tennis and female athletes, but it was seen as a victory for women’s rights in general."

Riggs was the one who was inferior.

Investigative reporter Don Van Natta Jr., published an article in 2013, The Match Maker Bobby Riggs, The Mafia and The Battle of the Sexes which spurred a conspiracy that Riggs threw the match because of his ties with mobsters.

Billie Jean King responded to ESPN's report. "Bobby Riggs wanted to win that match. I saw it in his eyes. I saw it when we changed ends. And there is no question."

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