September 20, 2024

Trump moaned to Fox News host Greg Gutfeld Wednesday evening, that the ABC moderators were unfairly fact-checking him and even the studio audience went crazy about it.

Hint: There was no studio audience at the Harris-Trump debate.

TRUMP: They even said (yeah), but all of them, and they didn't correct her once and they corrected me everything I said practically -- I think nine times or 11 times, and the audience was absolutely - they went crazy and and the real -- I thought it was -- I walked off I said, that was a great debate. I loved it.

The ABC moderators did not fact check him 11 times. He was fact checked trying to claim that babies are murdered after they are born, crime is actually down, and during his embarrassing and viral moments when he claimed Haitian migrants are eating dogs and cats.

Beyond that lie, the idea he believes there was a studio audience during the debate is very problematic.

Was he seeing visions of audience members cheering him on? Did he take LSD before the debate? Did he have a flashback to the 2016 debates? Was he lying about the audience just to lie about the debate?

Trump can barely keep one single idea in his head so he jumps around from topic to topic not finishing a thought.

He's deteriorating badly.

Gutfeld was clueless, of course. He could have had a fabulous moment if he corrected Trump. But that's not what he gets paid for.

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