August 18, 2024

During his rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on Saturday, Donald Trump pretended he was in President Biden's most trusted inner circle, lying and saying Biden hates his vice president.

Donald Dump wore his orange clown makeup and hair dye, but it didn't help him.

TRUMP: You know, when she sits and complains, hey, look, Joe Biden hates her, okay? Hates her.

You don't mind if I go off teleprompter for a second, do you?

Joe Biden hates her.

This was an overthrow of a president. This was an overthrow. They went out.

You know, I spent $100 million fighting Joe Biden.

They told him he couldn't win. His debate performance wasn't the best ever.

But they said mine was the best ever.

But they said his debate performance wasn't.

I look forward to debating her, by the way.

She'll be easier.

She'll be easier than him.

Let's get this straight -- Trump hates Kamala Harris.

The MAGA cult is built on endless complaining, bitching and moaning. The Democratic party has the right to choose their presidential nominee at all times.

It's called democracy.

Trump, always the ignorant narcissist, claimed his performance was the greatest of all time. CNN reported that he "made more than 30 false claims at the Thursday debate".

With no fact checking on the lousy CNN debate, it was a Trump rally two minutes at a time.

Donald Dump is so confounded by Harris that he's making up anything that comes to his dye-infected brain and spewing it out.

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