August 20, 2024

Tears, laughter and heartfelt admiration made the moment special. Via the Washington Post:

CHICAGO — In one of his last major appearances before he leaves office in five months, President Joe Biden formally passed the torch to his vice president, Kamala Harris, as a packed convention hall screamed and chanted in adulation for a prolonged stretch as he took the stage Monday night.

For about five minutes after Biden appeared just before 11:30 p.m. Eastern time, thousands of delegates and supporters cheered for him in a show of thanks for the decades he has served in public office. Convention organizers handed out “We love Joe” signs before the president’s speech, which the crowd held up and chanted in addition to “Thank you, Joe.”

Biden’s daughter, Ashley, introduced him, and he dabbed tears from his eyes as he took the stage and embraced her. First lady Jill Biden, who spoke shortly before her husband, also teared up and appeared visibly emotional throughout the final portion of the evening, including during the sustained standing ovation the president received — along with second gentleman Doug Emhoff and Gwen Walz, wife of Democratic vice-presidential contender Tim Walz.

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