Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance clashed with Fox News host Shannon Bream after she pointed to polls showing "great momentum" for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.
August 18, 2024

Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance clashed with Fox News host Shannon Bream after she pointed to polls showing "great momentum" for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Vance insisted that momentum for the Harris campaign was stagnating.

"How does that not line up then with another poll we got out this morning, Washington Post, ABC, they're giving the vice president nationally a four to five-point lead?" Bream noted. "I mean, those are new numbers."

"So if you think the momentum is not swinging or your internal polls are suggesting differently, every other poll that's been released has shown great momentum in her direction," she added.

Vance expressed deep denial over the new polling.

"You know, Shannon, I think there are a lot of polls that actually show her stagnating and leveling off," he insisted. "Of course, ABC, Washington Post was a wildly inaccurate pollster in the summer of 2020."

"We can't worry about polls," he continued. "Consistently, what you've seen in 2016 and 2020 is that the media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters."

"I'm telling you, every single person who's watching this, the Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot."

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