Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg rebuffed Fox News host Shannon Bream on Sunday after she suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris was unqualified to lead the country.
July 28, 2024

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg rebuffed Fox News host Shannon Bream on Sunday after she suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris was unqualified to lead the country.

During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Bream noted that one conservative New York Times columnist had called Harris's candidacy "anti-democratic."

"That's the playbook of ruling parties in autocratic states," the Times column charged.

"You know the optics of this, that it was donors who pulled the plug on President Biden and they're the ones calling the shots about how this proceeds," Bream said.

"Well, it's true that the Democratic Party is not famous for falling in line," Buttigieg replied. "That's part of why it's so remarkable that in a matter of days, Kamala Harris has consolidated our big tent party."

"And this is something that is coming from the ground up. You can feel it," he continued. "And it's a level of energy that, frankly, I haven't seen on the campaign trail in a long time."

Bream argued that Harris had not received any Democratic delegates during primary voting.

"The idea that somebody hasn't been tested or vetted when they have been the vice president of the United States for nearly four years just doesn't make any sense," Buttigieg disagreed. "She is in obviously one of the most visible leadership roles in the country."

"And she's demonstrated both her effectiveness in that job and a vision for the country that Americans agree with," he continued. "And that's a real reason I think she's going to win, is that most Americans already agree with her on the issues that they care about the most, that affect them the most, whether we're talking about choice and her stance on defending a woman's right to choose versus Donald Trump, who eliminated a right to choose in this country."

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