July 10, 2024

California Congressman Ted Lieu lashed out at the media and Trump for glossing over the former guy's antics with pedo Jeffrey Epstein.

He also said if anyone should leave the presidential race, it's Trump.

TED LIEU (D-CA): So, like Chairman Aguilar said, we hear a lot from our constituents on different issues, but something I've heard that doesn't seem to be being covered are the Epstein files.

These files were released, and, like, Donald Trump's sort of all over this, right?

There are pictures of him with Jeffrey Epstein. He's taken multiple plane flights with Epstein with young girls on board. He is on call logs with Epstein.

One of the highest trending hashtags on Twitter right now is about Trump and Epstein.

I'm not going to repeat the hashtag because we're in a dignified setting.

But yeah, y'all might want to look at that because that's highly disturbing.

And again, it shows that Donald Trump is unfit for office.

And by the way, he was convicted in a civilian court for sexual assault, convicted in a separate court of 34 felonies.

Donald Trump should drop out of the race.

Thank you.

If anyone that's on Epstein's list would partake in his depravity, Trump ranks at the top of the heap.

The only person unfit for office is the twice impeached, sexually assaulting, pu**y-grabbing Felon 45.

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