July 16, 2024

During his speech at the RNC Convention, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson spewed transphobic conspiracy theories against the LGBTQ+ community with all the vim and vigor of a Neo-Nazi.

"This fringe agenda includes biological males competing against girls and the sexualization and indoctrination of our children," Johnson snarled. "Today's Democrat agenda, their policies are a clear and present danger to America, to to our institutions, our values, and our people."

So much for the message of unity and coming together and kumbaya. Johnson is usually good at the beginning of his rants but it doesn't last long until he melts into a true scumbag.

The MAGA agenda is one of wanton vitriol, racism, bigotry and white supremacy, so all Democrats must be tried and sentenced, not united for a stronger America.

UPDATE: OH, he blamed the teleprompter, because he apparently cannot speak extemporaneously. They just loaded the wrong speech in. Sure, Jan.

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