July 17, 2024

Here we go again with the racist attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion during the 2024 Republican National Convention.

Here's TN GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn with the racist dog whistles while promising to make the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy permanent during her speech this Monday.

BLACKBURN: Under Biden and Harris, people are also crushed by more regulations than at any time since Jimmy Carter. Their regulations aren't just burdensome. Often, they include racist DEI requirements. Many small businesses are going bankrupt. Some are throwing up their hands in disgust.

Our party's platform pledges seven times to cut regulations that are killing jobs and costing you thousands of dollars. Now you know who will slash that red tape and return this country to economic greatness? Donald Trump!

A reminder about Blackburn from The Tennessee Holler:

And some responses to Blackburn's nonsense as well:

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