July 17, 2024

One would think repeating Russian propaganda straight up would go over at MAGA Fest 2024, otherwise known as the Republican National Convention. But it seems even Republicans draw the line on blaming the United States for instigating Vladimir Putin's war of choice in Ukraine.

The thin-skinned billionaire and Putin puppet wasn't happy with the negative reviews, tweeting back in response: "No one booed, in fact some people clapped, but keep deluding yourself about how unpopular your cause has become among Republican voters."

Source: Mediaite

Entrepreneur David Sacks spoke about Ukraine and Russia and potential World War III in his Monday Republican National Convention speech, but social media was flooded with reactions roasting the awkward six and a half minutes.

The vocal Donald Trump supporter and tech entrepreneur took to the stage in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Monday with a primetime slot and accused President Joe Biden of provoking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with “talk of NATO expansion.” The moment was one of several where Sacks appeared to stop for a few moments for an applause break that did not come.

"Some people clapped" is the most unintentional self-own since Jeb Bush.

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