July 3, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend and the former Right Side Broadcasting host Brian Glenn shared with guest host Terrence Bates that he had a special, special moment thinking about Steve Bannon's incarceration.

GLENN: If you think they're gonna let up on the gas right now, then we're mistaken.

And we saw what happened yesterday with Steve Bannon turning himself in into that Danbury prison.

And, you know, Terrence, I shared a thought with you in the break.

This morning when I was sitting down to have breakfast, I had just a special moment for a second, and I thought, wow, Steve Bannon's waking up in prison, I wonder what he's having for breakfast.

I hope Bannon is eating sh*t on a shingle.

GLENN: And I wonder what his life is like right now for the next four months.

I hope Bannon is suffering every second in Danbury.

GLENN: And it really made me think what a sacrifice that man has done to love his country and to expose the underbelly, the corruption of what's going on with the J6 trial.

The MAGA/Trump-led attack on the US Capitol on January 6th is corruption (and maybe sedition) of the worst kind when it's incited by a sitting president.

The MAGA cult is the underbelly of human decency.

They should all be tried as traitors, including Bannon.

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