Brian Glenn, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) boyfriend, ended an interview with MeidasTouch content creator Adam Mockler after he was asked about Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions.
June 24, 2024

Brian Glenn, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) boyfriend, ended an interview with MeidasTouch content creator Adam Mockler after he was asked about Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions.

"Do you think Donald Trump, when he was convicted on all 34 counts, what did you think about that?" Mockler asked Glenn in an interview that was shared on Sunday.

"None of those 34 counts is worthless, you got a worthless case," Glenn replied. "It's worthless because there was no crime that was committed."

"Falsifying business records with the intent of covering up another crime," Mockler pointed out.

"I don't know exactly what you're all about right now, you're not an independent journalist," Glenn complained. "You're nothing but a Trump hater and you're out here trying to get everybody to be tripped up."

"Would you rather have Joe Biden in the White House for another four years?" the right-wing pundit asked.

"Absolutely, absolutely," Mockler said.

"Interview over, interview over!" Glenn shouted. "I don't want to talk to anybody that has any — you have zero common sense on that."

At that point, pro-Trump rapper Forgiato Blow got in Mockler's face.

"If you're worried about 34 [felony convictions], you're going to worry about 34 ass whoopings in a minute, boy," Blow threatened.

"Don't bring that bullshit over here, don't bring that bullshit over here," Glenn told Mockler as he fled the interview.

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