July 10, 2024

I've known Jack White for many years through the LA music scene. He was a great drummer and a sweet man.

Jack has been suffering for a long while, but he showed so much courage and dignity these last few months that it was inspiring to us all.

I'm glad his pain is finally over.

His long time partner in music Rick Springfield shared his thoughts on Instagram.

Joe Daly paints a vibrant picture of Jack's life for us on his website:

Jack Cameron White, a rhythmic force on drums and a titan on the stage, stormed out of this life as he lived it— proud, dignified and utterly irrepressible. On July 6, 2024, Jack's fierce spirit broke free from the clutches of cancer, a battle he fought for many years with the same ferocity that he brought to his music. His exit was peaceful, surrounded by a loving family and leaving in his wake a legacy both storied and poignant.

Within six months of his daring move, Jack was setting the stage ablaze with Ike and Tina Turner, marking the beginning of a legendary journey that would see him collaborate with a galaxy of stars—from the pulsating rock of Redbone and The Knack to the soulful depths of Johnny Cash and Willie Dixon. His rhythms were a force of nature, propelling not just the music but the very lives he touched, including the illustrious Rick Springfield, who credited Jack with reigniting his career multiple times.

Jack celebrated his 70th birthday in March. By his own admission, he’d been playing with house money for years. It was a nod to the extraordinary life that he led against seemingly-insurmountable odds. He married actress and musician Katey Sagal in 1990, and together they raised two children, Sarah and Jackson. His adventures weren’t confined to the music stage; among his myriad accomplishments was his role as “Monroe,” president of the Oregon chapter of the titular MC on "Sons of Anarchy."

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