July 28, 2024

Never mind who she's married to, you moron. Here's Trump at his West Palm Beach rally this weekend, pretending Kamala Harris hates Jewish people.

TRUMP: Two days ago, she refused to attend the speech in Congress of the Prime Minister of Israel.

She said, oh, I can't make it. There was just a small group of people, but they couldn't make it, because that's her original thought.

That's where she comes from. She doesn't like Jewish people. She doesn't like Israel.

So we've got Trump attacking our sitting Vice President for being insufficiently loyal to another country, while he's sitting around at Mar-a-Lago, violating the Logan Act with the leader of that country, and then pretending Harris hates Jewish people when her husband is Jewish.

Here's Trump pretending he's still president with BiBi.

Sadly, he'll be given a pass for his crap with Netanyahu, as much as he deserves to be gone after it. Here are some of the responses on Xitter to his offensive attack against Harris.

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