CNN's Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Chris Wallace had a very serious discussion about how "interesting" it was going to be watching Trump pretend God somehow saved him from being shot and his plans to exploit it during his convention speech.
This was right up there with the media buying into Trump was suddenly going to become some great "unifier" following the assassination attempt, which he immediately proved, of course, to be nonsense.
TAPPER: But speaking of godly things, let's turn back to Kristen Holmes' reporting a second ago, where she was talking about how President Trump apparently, and we'll hear what he says about this in just a few minutes, believes that perhaps there was some sort of divine intervention, and I'm paraphrasing, but the idea that he turned his head at that last second, and that's only the reason why he wasn't killed, it is remarkable, and obviously near-death experiences have profound effects on individuals.
BASH: Yeah, absolutely. It is so interesting to hear those words. You heard him speak about it, I think it was today or yesterday, a little bit as Kristen alluded to, given the fact that when he was in the White House, he was, certainly in our lifetime, the president who went to church the least, he was never a particularly spiritual person and really privately, I wouldn't say he had disdain for it, but he didn't understand it, which has always been odd given the fact that in recent years, some of his most ardent supporters are not only sort of evangelical, deeply religious, and I have talked to many of them in various states where they were going out for him and are still going out for him.
They genuinely believe that he was sent here by God. And so the fact that he is now seeing that and is going to make that connection, I can't even imagine how the room here and the delegates here, are going to eat that up.
WALLACE: You know, he's going to get a very receptive audience for that, as Dana mentions. It's been so interesting. There have been a few speakers at this convention who have said they came after him, they tried to bankrupt him, they put him in jail, they even tried to kill him, without saying who they is.
But the vast majority of the speakers, and the sense you get on the floor, is exactly what Dana says, which is that this is divine providence. This was an act of God and several of the most... people who I think had the greatest impact said, God isn't finished with Donald Trump and wants him to be the president and that's why he intervened in that field on in Pennsylvania on Saturday.
I... look the idea of him out here with the with the firefighter who's died's helmet, this is going to be an extraordinarily emotional and powerful scene and it'll get a very receptive audience particularly to the degree that he weighs into the spiritual aspect of that.
TAPPER: It will be interesting no doubt.
They'll never stop normalizing him. It's pathetic and dangerous. We'll see how "interesting" they find it if he assumes power again and one of the first things he does is come after any of the media that's been critical of him.
And shame on all of them for failing to mention how completely disrespectful this line of bullpucky is to the people who were killed or injured. I guess God wasn't too concerned with any of them.