June 16, 2024

Donald Trump went to Detroit on Saturday to attend a community forum to chip away Black voters from President Joe Biden ahead of November's 2024 election. But just as Trump supporters had to create AI images showing the ex-president being embraced by Black people, the crowd at the 'Black church' sure looked pretty white to me. Trump has to fake support from Black people, and that tells you everything you need to know about the con man.

According to Reuters, at the 180 Church in Detroit, Trump sat on stage at a table flanked by a panel of members of the local community, including small-business owners and activists. But once the camera panned out to capture the churchgoers, a mostly white congregation was revealed.

The problem here is that if Trump wants to reach out to Black voters, then maybe -- and stay with me here for a second -- there should be Black people at the church. Crazy concept, huh?

We're not the only ones who noticed.

MAGA is trying so hard:(

They've been doing this for a while. This clip is from 2023:

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