Michael Gableman, former Wisconsin Election Frauditor and current lawyer for the second Robin Vos recall attempt, is already crying foul before a decision is made
June 21, 2024

It doesn't appear that the second attempt to recall Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos is going any better than the first one. This is evidenced by the fact that Michael Gableman, the former state supreme court justice turned election frauditor turned recall lawyer was having a hissy fit and was already blaming the refs, or in this case, the Wisconsin Election Commission:

One of my first recommendations at the end of that investigation was to abolish WEC. Just as I believe that Robin Voss is the worst of politics, I believe that WEC is the worst of all government bureaucracies. They act as a law unto themselves. They favor one party over the other. Robin Voss's lawyer gets free access to WEC senior lawyer at 9 o 'clock at night, and I'm lucky if I get a response via email telling me that they're not going to answer my question.

Keep in mind that the WEC hasn't even made a decision on whether the recall organizers have enough valid signatures, but Gableman's tantrum is a pretty strong tell that he knows they have serious problems. Especially since his complaints are baseless.

His complaint of favoritism is clueless since WEC was created by his fellow Republicans and consists of three Republicans and three Democrats. Then again, the Republicans were complaining of favoritism when the elections commission was made up of five Republican judges.

Per Harm Venhuizen, the reporter who covered this press conference, Gableman was also demanding that Vos's challenge to their petition be dismissed because it was signed by Vos's attorney instead of Vos himself.

Even if the recall were successful, the whole thing is an exercise in futility. It would just have meant that taxpayers would have to pay for two elections at the same time and would only have an impact for one month at best. But at least their foolishness provides some comic relief during these long summer months.

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