June 25, 2024

The California carpetbanker Eric Hovde, who wants to represent Wisconsin, a state which lies 2,000 miles from his home in Laguna Beach, California, is not a fan of China. He rips on China every chance he gets. His latest is calling for the United States to "hammer" China over the fentanyl crisis. He's also blamed them for playing havoc with the global economy and for stealing jobs from American workers and warned of China buying up American land.

But all that hate for China did not keep his brother, business partner and now head of a pro-Hovde PAC from wanting to open up some water parks in China. When news of this broke, old Pornstache was quick to throw his dear brother under the nearest Chinese bus:

Just before Eric’s first 2012 U.S. Senate bid, his brother Steven set up Hovde China Ventures LLC in the notoriously secretive state of Delaware. According to the few public records available, the entity shut down four years later.

While the brothers have frequently collaborated in real estate and financial ventures, Eric Hovde’s team says Steven embarked on this project solo—and that it involved water parks.

“Eric has not ever done business in China,” Hovde’s spokesman Ben Voelkel told The Daily Beast. “Nothing ended up coming of Steve’s investment interests.”

Voelkel added that Steven Hovde “was looking to help Wisconsin’s water park industry expand into China.” He said: “The project never got past holding meetings and no investment was ever made. Eric was not involved in this at all.”

It is very interesting that the same guy who runs the pro-Hovde PAC is also the one to be interested in China. Yeah, I'm sure old Pornstache had nothing at all to do with it. Just like I'm sure he doesn't live in Laguna Beach where he just got caught lounging a couple of weeks ago instead of being at a scheduled campaign appearance in Wisconsin.

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