October 19, 2016

Chris Christie appears to be slowly distancing himself from the dumpster fire that is the Trump campaign. He isn't doing as many interviews and not serving as the best surrogate since that Access Hollywood tape came out.

Today he gave a brief interview where he was asked about whether he is proud of how Donald Trump is running his campaign of late. His answer is pretty telling:

O’DONNELL: Are you proud of the campaign he’s running?

CHRISTIE: Listen, it’s – for me, the person who needs most to be concerned about the kind of campaign they’re running is the candidate. Because it’s the candidate’s campaign. It’s not my campaign. It’s not Jeff Sessions’ campaign. It’s not Rudy Giuliani’s campaign. We’re surrogates. And I’m proud of everything I’ve said and that’s all I can control. The rest of it I can’t control, Kelly

Translation: I have done my best to reign in the crazy but it isn't working. I am not in charge so I am stepping back and letting Trump crash his own campaign and this interview will serve as proof that I was not in charge or taking ownership. Also, I am innocent of Bridgegate even though there is a lot of evidence that I did indeed conspire to do some shady sh*t and may be facing criminal charges. Thanks for not asking me about it.

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