June 2, 2024

Eric Trump warned that his father was becoming a "martyr" because he was convicted in a recent hush money trial.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Trump complained about his father's sentencing, which is scheduled just days before the Republican National Convention.

"I go into a courthouse, and I see absolute corruption from a judge, a judge whose daughter is apparently making millions and millions of dollars fundraising off of my father effectively going to jail, I mean, turning down every witness we have, a one-sided court," Trump recalled.

"You just mentioned a second ago that the judge scheduled sentencing for four days before the RNC Convention in Milwaukee, the Republicans' biggest day of the entire campaign cycle, their big event, their big show," he continued. "The judge puts it four days before. The American people are not stupid, Maria."

"They see exactly what's going on. They're turning Donald Trump into a martyr."

Trump insisted that "no one" believed Trump was being sentenced "to 34 felony counts for a $130,000 payment that was invoiced as a legal expense."

"No one believes it, especially as people get slashed and killed in New York," he said.

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