June 21, 2024

Gov. Jeff Landry celebrated foisting his Christian nationalism on all public school children in Louisiana with a staged signing of the bill requiring that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom.

“This bill mandates the displaying of the Ten Commandments in every classroom in public elementary, secondary and post-education schools in the state of Louisiana,” Landry said, with a big grin. He was surrounded by supporters, including children, all seemingly delighted to obliterate the First Amendment right along with him.

There were lots of smiles and applause, except from the child just behind his left shoulder. She suddenly collapsed to the ground. As those near the collapsed child reacted with concern, apparently nobody told the governor. I guess nobody thought an actual act of Christian good Samaritanism was more important than his boast about thrusting religion down student’s throats.

So he continued: “Because if you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses."

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