May 19, 2024

We've seen this act before from Trump. Apparently it never gets old, along with touting his quack doctor Ronnie Jackson as someone any living person in the United States should be taking medical advice from.

Here's Trump at an NRA rally this weekend, spouting this delusion:

TRUMP: Another man, he was the doctor for, I don't think any of you have ever heard of this gentleman, Barack Hussein Obama. Has anyone ever heard of Barack?

No, he was the doctor, very talented doctor too. You know, he's got a lot of things on his resume. He was a great doctor, he was a great admiral, and now he's a great congressman.

And before I introduce him, I just want to say when he was the doctor at the White House, they asked him, who's healthier? Who's a better physical specimen?

Is it Trump, or is it Obama, and he said it's not even close, it's Donald Trump. It's not even close. I said, I love this guy, doctor Ronnie Jackson, your congressman, great congressman from Texas.

Someone please explain to me how this guy...

is still trying to pretend he's in better shape than this guy...

And this was basically the same response I had to Trump's nonsense:

I'm not sure what has to be broken in Trump's brain for him to continue doing this over and over again, but whatever it is, it's a disqualifier along with the other hundred things that make this dangerous psychopath unfit to be president.

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