I PROMISE you that you're rarely--if ever--seen anything as funny in politics as what Reps. Jared Moskowitz and Jamie Raskin do to known purveyor or Russian propaganda, James "Gomer Pyle
May 22, 2024

I PROMISE you that you're rarely--if ever--seen anything as funny in politics as what Reps. Jared Moskowitz and Jamie Raskin do to known purveyor or Russian propaganda, James "Gomer Pyle.

In classic GOP fashion, Comer held a hearing on a ridiculous, waste-of-time poltical stunt, holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt (I might do it myself, tbh, for the fact insurrectionists like MTG and Jim Jordan still sit in hearings participating, un-indicted...but I digress). But as if that wasn't bad enough, this pathetic band tools needed to take the day off to go play suck-up to sleeping, farting, raging current resident of a New York courtroom on most days. Yeah, that Trump guy.

So Democrats were cranky...and THANK GOD for that. Jared Moskowitz opened with the kind of monologue so funny he could perform it onstage. Then Jamie Raskin got into the act, hiding a knowing smirk behind his lawerly demeanor to completely tear Comer a new one--reading Comer's fundraising email based on the ridiculous hearing for everyone in the room, and out of the room, to hear. No spared no condescension.

The end result was a hilarious, humiliating, ripping of Comer by the comedy team of Jamie & Jared, and, again, you'll really wanna watch this for some of the most must see tv in the history of tv you must see.

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