May 21, 2024

Once admired lawyer Alan Dershowitz hyperventilated with outrage on Fox News over Hush Money trial Judge Merchan's admonishing of defense witness Robert Costello.

Speaking with Sean Hannity (a reported Trump advisor), Dershowitz performed like a trained monkey begging his master for peanuts.

Hannity: Have you ever seen anything like this?

Dershowitz: No, I never have. I sat in the front row literally just feet away from where all the action occurred.

I rolled my eyes when the judge made some rulings that were absurd.

Any first-year evidence student would understand that he was making biased rulings in favor of one side.

I stared him down.

But Costello didn't.

He acted like a normal witness.

And the judge went berserk.

The judge violated Trump's constitutional right to a public trial by kicking the media out of the courtroom.

I don't know why I wasn't kicked out.

And then I heard him lecture Costello.

I am you.

What you did was contemptuous.

You looked at me contemptuously.

And, you know, it reminded me of Mae West when a judge said, you're showing contempt for the court.

And Mae West said, no, your honor, I'm trying my best to hide my contempt for the court.

I'm sure Costello was trying to hide his contempt for the court.

But the judge had such thin skin that he threatened him.

He said he would strike the testimony and hold him in contempt if he rolled his eyes again.

You have a constitutional right to roll your eyes and to stare at anybody.

It was absurd.

And then to sit so close to Cohen, watching him give lie after lie.

Dershowitz's red-blotched face contorted with every breath he took. His poutrage increased, his nostrils flailing.

Dersh's performance should be considered for a 2024 Emmy.

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