Smith’s team accused Trump’s team of “reflexively” asking to postpone a trial every time the court sets a new deadline. In the meantime, the NY election interference trial begins today.
April 15, 2024

Special counsel Jack Smith urged the judge overseeing Trump’s classified documents case to stop any further efforts to delay his trial. Via HuffPost:

Trump’s attorneys recently asked U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to push back a deadline next month to review classified information related to the former president’s indictment into his handling of such material after he left the White House. They pointed to Trump’s separate hush money case in Manhattan that is set to begin Monday, saying the deadline requires time he and his lawyers “simply do not have.

”But Smith’s team said Cannon’s May 9 deadline had been imposed for months and accused Trump’s team of “reflexively” asking to postpone a trial every time the court sets a new deadline.

“The defendants have had ample notice that these deadlines would be scheduled and have already had months to complete the work,” Smith wrote in a new court filing. “Counsel should already be prepared to meet these deadlines, and in any event, other commitments are not grounds for postponement.”

Well, yes. That's the little dance the Trump legal team has cooked up, and it would not surprise me to learn it was coordinated with Aileen Cannon. I have no proof, of course, but there's one coincidence after another, like the Mafia ties that seem to be everywhere with Trump:

In the meantime, you can tell Jack Smith is just itching to pull the trigger on an 11th circuit mandamus petition -- but he only gets one shot, so it has to count.

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