Democratic minority leader Hakeem Jeffries has a message for Republicans clutching their pearls over President Joe Biden's widely praised State of the Union address. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. OK, he didn't curse. I tossed that in there.
Jeffries pointed to controversial Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's buffoonish behavior and the fact that Marge wore a MAGA hat, even though wearing campaign merch is against the rules.
Jeffries, who, because of MAGA Republicans' poor behavior, will likely be the next Speaker of the House, tore into Republicans' newest outrage about President Biden.
"And we're just asking our Republican colleagues to stop the political stunts," Jeffries said. "That was an embarrassment last night, a complete embarrassment."
"Marjorie Taylor Greene, who's basically running the House Republican Conference, shows up in campaign paraphernalia," he continued. "And then these people want to lecture Joe Biden because he delivered a strong and forceful speech that made them uncomfortable because he exposed their lies and shamelessness."
"We have one message for extreme MAGA Republicans who want to lecture us about the quorum, get lost," he added while clearly out of fucks to give. "You're a joke. Exhibit a Marjorie Taylor green exhibit B George Santos."
He's not wrong.