February 15, 2024

Former President Donald Trump went to East Palestine, Ohio, in 2023 for a photo-op where more than three dozen freight cars — including 11 carrying hazardous materials — were derailed. Even though Trump was no longer the President, he tried to take charge of the situation. It was shameless. The people in that small town were used as fodder for Trump to take shots at his predecessor.

Trump isn't taking the news of Biden planning to visit the area on Friday. Other members of the Biden administration have visited the village, including Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Micael Regan, who has made several trips to East Palestine and has visited residents in their homes.

To hear Trump tell it, no one wants the President there or the "THUGS that surround him."

"It was such a great honor to be with the people of East Palestine immediately after the tragic event took place," Lumpy wrote on Truth Social. "I got to know so many of the people, in particular the wonderful Mayor, Trent Conaway."

"Biden should have gone there a long time ago—for him to go now is an insult to those who live and work in East Palestine, and the Great State of Ohio, itself," he continued. "I can't believe anyone wants him there?"

"I know he doesn't want to be there, and even he knows he is making a mistake, because he is pandering to people who are smart, politically savvy and, unfortunately, badly hurt by Biden's in-actions and lack of caring," he added. "It will be so interesting to see how they meet and greet this FRAUD, and the THUGS that surround him!"

Sigh. When Biden was voted into office, I'm sure he never realized that Trump would launch a social site solely to take shots at his successor daily while ranting about everything this President does. Biden is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I have a novel concept. Why doesn't Lumpy grow the fuck up and start wanting what's best for this country instead of what's best for him? Like the classified documents Trump hoarded, he thinks the good people of East Palestine belong to him now. He saw them first. Just ask him.

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