February 6, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is unhappy after discovering he isn't a king with immunity for any alleged crimes he committed. And the crime that Trump is probably throwing Ketchup over is when he incited an attack on the Capitol because his narcissistic brain could not handle his 2020 defeat by Joe Biden.

The Appeals court voted 3-0, saying, in part, that Trump's "alleged efforts to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election were, if proven, an unprecedented assault on the structure of our government." The former President was referred to in the ruling as "Citizen Trump."

Xitter users didn't hold back:

Jan. 6th was not comparable to a sightseeing tour. Jan. 6th was a failed insurrection that turned into a riot to protect a thin-skinned narcissist. Jan. 6th confirmed why Trump should never disgrace the corridors of the White House again. He's a shameless grifting liar -- without immunity for his crimes. I'm sure Trump will respond on Truth Social -- aside from the regurgitated statement a spokesman released.


"Melania, it's not fair! You said I was SPECIAL!"

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