January 22, 2024

The Great Retribution has begun, as the Whiny Ass Orange Titty Baby strikes back at NBC correspondent Vaughn Hillyard for asking Elise Stefanik about Trump being a sexual predator. Via Meidas Touch:

Donald Trump's campaign barred NBC journalist Vaughn Hillyard from the press pool Sunday, in retaliation for Hillyard's questioning of Trump's potential running mate Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) Donald Trump's sexual abuse and rape of E. Jean Carroll. Hillyard's banishment from the press pool was first reported by Dylan Byers of Puck,

In a post on X, Byers wrote:

#Break: I’m told the Trump campaign barred today’s press pooler, NBC’s @VaughnHillyard, from traveling with the former president today in retribution for a recent interview in which Hillyard had pressed Rep. Stefanik to comment on E. Jean Carroll accusations against Trump.

Byers then added a note from Hillyard's pool report:

“Your NBC News pooler has been informed that the pool will no longer travel with and take part in the former president’s OTR stops today before his Rochester rally. Your pooler was told that if he was the designated pooler by NBC News that the pool would be cut off for the day. After affirming to the campaign that your pooler would attend the events, NBC News was informed at about 2:20pmET that the pool would not be allowed to travel with Trump today.”

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