January 21, 2024

Rep. Elise Stefanik proves once again she's willing to put the interest of her own political career and that of Dear Leader above all else. MSNBC's Vaughn Hillyard caught up to Stefanik at a campaign event for Trump in New Hampshire and asked her how she grappled with standing by Trump's side "while a jury is debating how much to award E. Jean Carroll for being sexually abused by Donald Trump?"

Stefanik responded by lashing out at the media, of course:

Stefanik first complained that “these are witch hunts against” Trump, after which Hillyard twice asked her if she “believed” Carroll.

“No, of course not!” the congresswoman exclaimed.

“The media is so biased,” she added a bit later. “This is just another example of the media being out of touch—” she continued, before Hillyard interjected.“It’s not me. It’s not the media. It’s a jury that found that he sexually abused” Carroll, he said. But Stefanik insisted that “the media” is somehow to blame.

The press “is so out of the touch with the American people,” said Stefanik, who earlier this month engaged in some good old fashioned pandering to Trump by calling those imprisoned for their roles in the Jan. 6 insurrection “hostages” and refusing to say she’d vote to certify the 2024 election results if Trump lost.

Stefanik then likened the upcoming election to 2016.

“You are going to see the American people speak out loudly and clearly with their vote. We are so tired of the biased media shilling for Joe Biden every single day,” she said, promising that the four-times indicted former president will “restore the rule of law” if elected again.

As we already discussed here, she's already sold her soul in the hopes of being Trump's VP, and this week Rep. Dan Goldman introduced a well-deserved resolution to censure her over her defense of the January 6th insurrectionists.

Kudos to Hillyard, who did a much better job than Dana Bash did when questioning Nikki Haley about the Carroll trial. At least Hillyard pointed out that Trump was already found guilty of sexually abusing Carroll when he tried to get a straight answer out of Stefanik.

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