January 30, 2024

Both Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Ambassador Nikki Haley had a lot to work with regarding Donald Trump's declining mental health, but they remained quiet about the obvious initially. DeSantis finally dropped out of the race. Oh, that's right, there's Vivek Ramaswamy, too, who never appeared to be running against the former President. So, he's gone, too. That leaves Haley, who has recently realized that she has a font of incidents to work with regarding Trump's public mental decline. CBS Mornings' Nate Burleson had a sit down with Haley.

Haley noted that she had received a handful of fundraising booms following an outburst by Trump — what she called a "temper tantrum" by the twice-impeached, four-times indicted one-term President after her second-place showing in New Hampshire. Haley said that is evidence that voters want an alternative to Trump.

Haley was then asked about Trump's mental acuity.

"You've worked with him closely, you've known him for quite some time," Burleson said. "Do you truly believe he is suffering from cognitive decline?"

The entire world nods their heads in agreement.

"Are we really, in this country, going to have two 80-year-olds running for president?" Haley said. "It is a fact that when you are their age, you have mental decline. I don't care who you are. You have mental decline. He didn't just get me confused; he mentioned it over and over and over again. He's not what he was in 2016. He has declined. That's a fact."

The "fact" is that Trump is getting worse, and none of the nepotistic family members of his -- or his wifebot -- seem to give a shit about his declining mental health. She had the brass ovaries to sign a bill to remove the Confederate flag from the capitol in South Carolina, but it's taken her all of this time to get the nerve to face off with Lumpy for the GOP nomination.

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