December 15, 2023

On Thursday afternoon, Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer posted this holiday gift for military families:

The Washington Examiner notes that the bill passed by unanimous consent, with Tuberville as a co-sponsor.

But if you think Tuberville's public humiliation has made him repentant, think again. “He is still keeping the Senate from approving a dozen four-star promotions in one large batch,” The Washington Examiner said. “But the saga could end as soon as next week as the Senate considers a series of individual votes on the nominees while members negotiate a deal to approve some $60 billion in funding for Ukraine.”

The House is very busy looking for something – anything! – that could justify impeaching Hunter Biden. Oops, I mean President Joe Biden. However, it does appear that they will manage to work passing a similar bill into their busy witch hunt schedule.

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