November 2, 2023

Even though members of his party erupted in anger, Sen. Tommy Tuberville seems to think that his nine-month block on hundreds of senior military advancements is no biggie. If the former football coach was trying to undermine our country's military, he couldn't have done a better job. Yay, you, Tommy! CNN's Manu Raju said that Tuberville said he won't back down.

"I asked Tommy Tuberville about this issue, about whether he is concerned that people like the Marine Corps Commandant, who was recently hospitalized, had to do two jobs at once. He downplayed those concerns," Raju said. Some of these people have multiple, have been doing multiple jobs."

"Some of these military personnel, even the Marine Corps Commandant...was doing two jobs. Why are you making it harder for them to do their job?" the CNN reporter asked.

"2,000 people to work for him, OK?" Tuberville shot back. "So, and somebody said he's working 18 hours a day."

"Jack Reed blamed me for his heart attack," he continued. "Come on, give me a break. This guy's going to work 18, 20 hours a day no matter what. That's what we do."

"You know, I did that for years because you got to get the job done, and you take it for you try to do everything yourself," he added. "So we're not going to go down that road."

What in the hell is he talking about? "That's what we do," said the guy who has never served in the military and lied about his father's military record.

He failed to mention that Eric Smith was doing the job of at least two military members because of Tuberville. There is no "we" here, buddy. It's Tuberville vs. the United States military. He singlehandedly did this.

And he doesn't go off script. Different reporter, same answer, word for word:

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