MSNBC regular and former assistant US Attorney Glenn Kirschner gives us a reason to hope our corrupt Supreme Court is going to rule against Trump in his case trying to grant himself immunity from criminal prosecution.
December 26, 2023

MSNBC regular and former assistant US Attorney Glenn Kirschner gives us a reason to hope our corrupt Supreme Court is going to rule against Trump in his case trying to grant himself immunity from criminal prosecution.

None of us know how this is going to pan out, and in a sane world, the fact that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had already written that president are not immune from criminal prosecution would have been enough to feel assured that team Trump's ridiculous arguments that he's above the law will go down in flames, but sadly, that's not the world we're living in.

As Kirschner discussed on his podcast this week, if they do not rule in favor of Trump, it will be out of self-preservation.

Supreme Court Will Deny Trump Claim for ‘Self-Preservation’: Attorney:

Glenn Kirschner, a veteran former prosecutor turned legal analyst, said on Saturday that the U.S. Supreme Court will ultimately strike down Donald Trump‘s claim of presidential immunity in his federal election case, if only to preserve its own authority. [...]

On Saturday, Kirschner, a staunch Trump critic who previously served as a Washington, D.C., U.S. attorney, posted a thread criticizing the current state of the Supreme Court to X, the platform previously known as Twitter. Amid other critiques of the Court for rolling back civil liberties and accepting payments from wealthy individuals, Kirschner slammed the Court for denying Smith’s petition to expedite Trump’s appeal process.

“And now, the Supreme Court has refused to grant Special Counsel’s request to review (on an accelerated basis) Trump’s BS claim that a president can commit any and all crimes while in office with absolute immunity from prosecution,” he wrote. “IF the Supreme Court is an honest broker of the law (I know, I know), it will also refuse to review Trump’s BS immunity claim once it’s rejected by the DC appeals court.”

In his post, Kirschner further wrote that the Court should ultimately deny Trump’s immunity claim on the grounds that granting such a thing would imperil its own authorities.

“Please remember this: if the court bestows upon Trump absolute immunity, thereby putting him out of reach of our nation’s criminal laws, the Supreme Court will have demoted itself to a second-class branch of government, as Trump could then commit any crime he wished in efforts to undermine the authority of the Supreme Court,” Kirshner continued. “And I’ll bet we can all agree that the Supreme Court LOVES its supreme status, and will NEVER relinquish it by ruling that a president is above the law. So, if nothing else, take heart in the Supreme Court’s allegiance to… itself, and its own supreme status… if all else fails, the court WILL deny Trump’s BS immunity claim motivated by its own sense of self-preservation”

That will be the only reason they rule against Trump, because for sadly the majority on the highest court in our land, the law comes second and taking care of their sugar dadies and political constituents comes first. Protecting their own power once we're finally rid of Trump probably comes in second.

I really do hope he's right that they won't even agree to hear the case after the lower court strikes it down. Stay tuned, since this will be playing out in the next few weeks.

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