December 4, 2023

If you're James Comer and Jonathan Turley there is nothing too petty, too stupid, and too dishonest to slap on President Biden. The latest "scandal" is a series of monthly payments from Hunter Biden's company, Owasco PC, to Joe Biden in 2018, when Joe Biden neither held nor sought public office and certainly had no influence over foreign affairs. I shouldn't even have to say that, but I do because these yahoos are trying so hard to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, or something.

James Comer released a video Sunday evening in an effort to build up the scandal for today's Fox News story o' the day.

He begins with this:

President Joe Biden claimed there was an absolute wall between his official government duties and his family's influence peddling schemes.

This was a lie.

President Joe Biden claimed his family didn't receive money from China.

This was a lie.

President Joe Biden claimed he never spoke to his son, Hunter Biden, about the Bidens family's shady business dealings.

This was a lie.

Now, Hunter Biden's legal team and the White House's media allies claim Hunter's corporate entities never made payments directly to Joe Biden.

We can officially add this latest talking point to the list of lies.

Wow, that sounds pretty bad, doesn't it? Joe Biden taking money from China? Joe Biden claiming there was a wall between his government duties when there wasn't? And NOW JOE BIDEN GETS PAYMENTS FROM HUNTER'S COMPANY OMG SAY IT ISN'T SO!

So here's what the hoo-ha is about: Hunter Biden borrowed one of Joe Biden's cars -- a truck, actually -- and paid him for the car payments while he had the car, according to the Washington Post. "The 3 payments of $1,380 that occurred in Sept, Oct & Nov of 2018 — nearly 2 years after Biden left as VP — were actually for a 2018 Ford Raptor Biden had purchased that Hunter Biden was using, according to an email verified by a Post forensic analysis."

Worse yet, these payments were reported in the New York Post 18 months ago, so they're not any kind of revelation at all.

But that didn't stop Jonathan Turley from stoking up the non-scandal on Fox News. All of this is in service of garnering support for an impeachment of Joe Biden in order to neutralize Trump's two impeachments.

"So I think the moment of truth has arrived," declared Turley. "Democrats have either got to show that they stand against corruption and approve an inquiry, or they have to take ownership of this, because influence peddling is the favorite form of corruption in Washington."

Pssssssst. Jonathan, buddy. Biden was NOT IN OFFICE. NOR SEEKING OFFICE. NOR A LOBBYIST OR ANY OTHER KIND OF PERSON WITH INFLUENCE. In 2018, Joe Biden had as much influence as Mike Pence has in 2023.

"But none of us have seen the likes of this," Turley added.

That's true, we haven't really seen such a lame and stupid effort to smear the guy in office payments. That is definitely a new one.

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