November 16, 2023

It sounds like the Ethics Committee Chair, Michael Guest (R-MS) was too afraid and/or corrupt to arrive at the obvious conclusion, that Santos deserves at least some kind of punishment.

Fran Langum reported earlier today on the Ethics Committee report. It was scathing but did not make any recommendations for how to punish Santos.

Here’s how The New York Times reported the news that the committee wouldn't recommend any penalty for the New York congressman:

Mr. Guest, a Republican of Mississippi, would not characterize the committee’s findings in its report, which is expected to be released as early as Thursday. But he said that the panel would refrain from making a recommendation as to Mr. Santos’s fate, saying that such a process would have carried out “well into next year.”

Nonetheless, Mr. Guest said that the report should offer members the information they need to make a decision on whether a penalty — be it expulsion or something less severe, like a censure — is appropriate.

The panel has been investigating a range of alleged criminal and ethical violations including accusations that the congressman fraudulently obtained unemployment benefits, failed to properly file financial disclosures, sexually harassed an employee and violated conflict of interest laws.

I mean, if the guy who deceived voters about virtually everything on his resumé, not to mention the 23 federal charges against him, isn’t deemed unsuitable who would be? Then again, given that most Republicans have no problem supporting the likely GOP presidential nominee, another congenital liar with 91 felony charges against him, it could be a tad difficult to explain why 23 charges are worse than 91.

It appears that New York Republicans who previously tried – and failed – to have Santos expelled, will try again after the report is released and the House returns from break. "The substance in the report will drive other members to get to yes," Rep. Nick LaLota, one in that group, told ABC News.

Color me skeptical.

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