October 26, 2023

UPDATE: The process is underway:

Now that the speaker debacle is over and the House can finally function again, New York Republicans are apparently making moves to oust George Santos. As we discussed here, earlier this month he was slammed with an updated 23-count indictment.

It seems he's been running on borrowed time since then: New York Republicans to push ahead with resolution to expel George Santos from House:

Some New York Republicans say they're going to push ahead with a formal resolution to expel embattled Rep. George Santos, Republican of New York, now that the House is open after its three-week speaker stalemate.

Santos' New York House colleagues announced a measure last week to boot him from Congress, after federal prosecutors added new charges and allegations to a federal indictment that accuses Santos of committing fraud and conspiracy.

The New York Republicans said they expect to move ahead with the measure as early as this week.

Santos faces an arraignment court proceeding on the newest charges Friday morning at the federal courthouse in Central Islip, New York.

The expulsion resolution was announced last week by two of Santos' fellow Long Island Republicans, Reps. Anthony D'Esposito and Nick Lalota. D'Esposito said he expected the measure would catch on "like wildfire" among fellow House members, in light of the newest allegations. [...]

LaLota told CBS News he's looking for co-sponsors for the expulsion resolution. He said he expected momentum will build quickly for the measure, with the reopening of the House floor to business and proceedings. "It's all organic," he said. "Everybody knows the facts of the case. The facts are not good for Mr. Santos. That's why I expect Democrats and Republicans to remove him as soon as possible."

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