Endangered NY House Republicans Get The Knives Out For George Santos
Credit: Screengrab/CSPAN
November 1, 2023

If you're wondering why these New York Republicans are so gung-ho about ridding the House of Representatives of the embarrassment known as George Santos it has nothing to do with personal integrity and everything to do with self-preservation. All of them are in districts that are rated a toss-up, while Santos' district in NY-03 on Long Island is expected to go Democratic if he remains in Congress. (Noticeably absent from the list is Elise Stefanik whose own district has been shored up to be solidly Republican). If George Santos is still on the ballot next November the thinking is that all of these guys will lose as well.

Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) is set to face expulsion from the House as soon as Wednesday.

Source: Politico

Five New York Republicans behind the push are urging the House to formally remove Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from the chamber in a new letter, urging their colleagues to "expel the fraudster" ahead of an expected floor vote as soon as Wednesday.

In a dear colleague letter obtained by POLITICO, the lawmakers say "this issue is not a political one, but a moral one" and "we agree it would set a precedent, but a positive one."

New York GOP Reps. Nick LaLota, Anthony D'Esposito, Marc Molinaro, Brandon Williams and Mike Lawler signed the letter.

Their letter.

And the threat against them.

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