A resurfaced video from 2019 provides yet another curious example of George Santos' remarkably fluid identity. As Patriot Takes tweeted, "In 2019, George Santos introduced himself as Anthony Devolder, the founder of “United for Trump,” during a Q & A session at a “Walk Away LGBT” event in NYC."
And of course, "United for Trump", the group Santos claimed to found, does not seem to exist or has zero online presence."
Source: New York Post
He’s not Jewish, he didn’t go to ritzy New York City schools and apparently he sometimes goes by a secret alias.
Controversial Congressman George Santos introduced himself as “Anthony Devolder” during a Q&A session at a 2019 “Walk Away LGBT” event in NYC, a resurfaced video of the event shows.
“So my name is Anthony Devolder. I’m a New York City resident. I recently founded a group called United for Trump. So if you guys want to follow, that would be awesome,” Santos can be seen saying in the clip.
Santos, whose claims his full name is George Anthony Devolder Santos, curiously decided to use his middle two names despite actively running a congressional bid for Tom Suozzi’s Long Island and Queens seat at the time. He lost the 2020 election but won the seat this year.
Whether that is Santos’ full name is up for debate — the congressman has not offered up his birth certificate and no government agencies are making moves to ask for it, VICE reported.