October 18, 2023

Republicans weren't exactly fired up at the thought of Rep. Jim Jordan as Speaker, but quite a few of them finally voted for the former sexual-abuse denying assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State. Still, Jordan couldn't bring in the votes or the enthusiasm. But House minority leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries brought in both, and he will have that gavel one day.

"The tellers agree in their tallies that the total number of votes cast is 433, of which the Honorable Jim Jordan of the state of Ohio has received 199," acting speaker Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) said, and that garnered no applause.

"The Honorable Hakeem Jeffries of the state of New York has received 212," he added, with lawmakers erupting in applause.

Twitter users weighed in:

I suspect there is a lot of ketchupping going on at Mar-a-Lago right now since Trump endorsed Jordan.

Editor's Note: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries now has the dubious honor of receiving the most votes for Speaker, even though he has not won the gavel.

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