October 3, 2023

Whenever former President Donald Trump tells a 'sir story' about big men who have never cried before(he did this yesterday again), who run to him with tears in their eyes to thank him for all he's done for them, it's a lie. The same goes when Trump says, "Some people are saying," or "Many people are saying." That translates to "Donald Trump is saying." Most of us know this. I'm unsure about his supporters since they think he's one of them, even though he shits on a golden toilet.

At any rate, Trump did a "some people say" when discussing Justice Arthur Engoron, the Manhattan judge deciding Lumpy's fate at his civil fraud trial that started on Monday.

"This is a judge that should be disbarred," the twice-impeached four times indicted former President told reporters outside the courtroom.

"This is a judge that should be out of office," he continued. "This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he's doing."

"He's interfering with an election, and it's a disgrace," he added. "Thank you very much."

No, Trump is using the election to interfere with justice. The investigations into Trump started before Trump announced his intentions to run for office again. Trump is running to stay out of prison. Trump knows he's screwed. That's why he's attacking the Judge. He has nothing else to fight with. The Judge should not be out of office. Trump should be in prison. That shouldn't have to be said, but it appears it needs repeating.

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