February 16, 2024

After a brief silence, except to complain about a photo that makes him look obese, Donald Trump addressed the massive amount in fines he needs to fork over. Judge Engoron fined Lumpy $364 million. Bummer. Trump fucked around, and now he's finding out. He's a regular person now, not protected by the presidency.

Donald took to Truth Social to lash out. He left four posts, but the first two just contained regurgitated messages.

"The Justice System in New York State, and America as a whole, is under assault by partisan, deluded, biased Judges and Prosecutors," Trump insisted. "Racist, Corrupt A.G. Tish James has been obsessed with "Getting Trump" for years, and used Crooked New York State Judge Engoron to get an illegal, unAmerican judgment against me, my family, and my tremendous business."

"I helped New York City during its worst of times, and now, while it is overrun with Violent Biden Migrant Crime, the Radicals are doing all they can to kick me out," he continued. "A Crooked New York State Judge, working with a totally Corrupt Attorney General who ran on the basis of "I will get Trump," before knowing anything about me or my company, has just fined me $355 Million based on nothing other than having built a GREAT COMPANY. ELECTION INTERFERENCE. WITCH HUNT (more to follow!)."

I do not know what he's referring to when he said he helped New York City during its worst times. Was that when we were bombed, and he claimed to go to Ground Zero "to try to help in any little way that" he could -- but that was another one of the former reality show star's lies? How about when that insufferable narcissist bragged that he now has the tallest building after the Twin Towers fell?

"Forty Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan," Trump said erroneously on 9/11. "Now it's the tallest."

Fuck you, Donald. You've done nothing for New York City. That's why New Yorkers hate him. They can spot a con from a mile away.

He didn't even address the news that his BFF Putin murdered Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Pay up, loser. And shut up. You're in the 'finding out' stage. And don't forget you owe your rape victim, E. Jean Carroll over $83 million.

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