October 19, 2023

Conservatives like Tomi Lahren desperately need something or anything to be outraged about. It's a rule to belong to their club where their members are dwindling. It doesn't matter how ridiculous they sound; it's an essential issue to them.

The newest outrage is the stairs President Biden uses to board Air Force One because nothing else is going on in the world.

"And that's because we have this commander-in-chief in the Oval Office," Tomi said. "A lot of Americans right now feel rudderless."

"A lot of Americans are looking at this president, hoping that he'll show signs of leadership and strength," she insisted. "And meanwhile, he can't even use the regular-sized stairs to board Air Force One."

"I mean, you can't make this stuff up, Sean," she added.

Biden is 80-years-old, just three years older than Trump. When people have the olds, they might take a shorter route. With Biden, he just visited a warzone for the second time in his presidency. That said, it's fine by me if he takes fewer steps on a staircase.

I can't believe we're even discussing this. I'm an absolute clutz. I fell down a staircase in a fancy pants club in France when I was all dressed up, etc. I was 23 at the time -- so Tomi can shut the fuck up. Biden is human. Oh no!

I'm leaving this here just because:

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