July 2, 2024

Most of us remember John Fetterman's debate performance with Mehmet Oz. It was a disaster, and Fetterman had just suffered from a stroke more than five months earlier. The Pennsylvania Democrat struggled at times to communicate effectively. Fetterman, not Oz, ended up winning the Senate seat. So now, Sen. John Fetterman is weighing in on the "replace Biden" naysayers after the President's poor debate performance, saying it's "the dumbest shit" he's ever heard.

"That whole abandoned Biden thing — that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard," Fetterman said in an interview with Shannon Bream on "Fox News Sunday." "I mean, if you are more inclined to vote for a Democrat or be a Democrat, if you're willing to walk away from Joe Biden — you're by defecting helping Trump, and that is really — if any of that kind of movement has that kind of move and they want to play with that kind of fire, they better earn that burn."

"We had a difficult debate, and yet we still managed to go on to win. Now, everybody was calling that — that was the end of my career, that was the end of this race, and everyone was predicting that I was going to lose actually by 2 points or more. And I smoked Oz by 5 points," Fetterman said. "And that's what I'm saying. It — it's like one debate is not a career."

"This is a very stark choice. What kind of President do you want for the next four years?" Fetterman added. "Donald Trump, who is obsessed with revenge and has been very clear he is here to be retribution. I don't believe that the President's office should ever be weaponized against the people in this America that disagree with you."

The immunity decision today should be a wake-up call for voters. Do you want a king or a President? Trump is hell-bent on revenge over his self-inflicted injuries. We need a leader, not a whining narcissist with a penchant for lying, who Trump supporters claim is innocent, and yet they're doing cartwheels over the Supreme Court decision.

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