October 27, 2023

Representative Becca Balint (D-VT) spoke for over 11 minutes on the House floor to read the resolution to censure Representative Sporkfoot (Q-Uranus).

Among the issues that Balint brought up included, but in no way were limited to, Sporkfoot's anti-Semitism, racism, bigotry towards the LGBTQ community, denial of 9-11, inciting a riot, and showing pornographic images on the House floor.

The entire thing can be read here.

True to her immature nature, Sporkfoot childishly taunted Balint on Twitter:


Sporkfoot will probably continue to evade accountability for the next year at least, but some day, justice will catch up to her, followed quickly by obsolescence. It will be so nice not to hear her harpy screech anymore.

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