October 22, 2023

Fox News correspondent Kevin Corke revealed more House Republicans oppose former President Donald Trump's movement than were previously thought.

On Sunday, Corke told Fox News host Howard Kurtz that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) had been forced to quit the race for House Speaker because he was too conservative. Among other things, Jordan has refused to say that President Joe Biden fairly won the presidential election.

The Fox News reporter pointed to a secret vote held by House Republicans that ended Jordan's bid for speaker.

"I think people don't really understand the rift within the party very well," Corke explained. "The rift is not just an economic rift. I really think there is a larger faction of anti-MAGA Republicans out there in the House of Representatives than people want to acknowledge, and I think that's buffeted by the fact that this secret ballot went the way it went."

"Yeah, secret ballots tend to produce a different outcome than when you have to have your name attached," Kurtz agreed.

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